Ravenna Assembly of God

RavNursery | Birth to 3 years old

RavKids Jr. | Preschool – Kindergarten

RavKids | 1st – 6th Grade

Sundays at 10am

We desire for your kids to

               Have a personal relationship with Jesus

               Be confident in prayer and hearing God’s voice.

               Know and understand God’s Word

               Have a heart of compassion towards people in our own community and around the world.

What to Expect

     When you arrive, your family will be directed to our RavNursery and RavKid check-in.  We use a label system to ensure the safety  of your child.  This system allows us to make sure all allergies and special needs are noted in addition to having a unique code for each label so that only the adult with that code may pick up that child.

In every area of kid’s ministry, we teach the Bible through age-appropriate lessons, play, praise, and worship.  We encourage the kids to engage with God and have hands on activities to guide them as they learn and grow with Him.

BGMC (https://bgmc.ag.org/) is how we help the kids create a heart of compassion for missions in what God is doing here and around the world.

Throughout the year we have relationship building events for kids and families along with outreach opportunities to help kids and families live their faith out loud.